Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Videogame Role Play *Title changed....

My "VideoGame Store Role Play" title has changed to "2,000 Subscriber Special"

Hi guys!! So, as you can see, I am starting a blog.This is where I can really get a chance to tell you what's what :) Ok..many of you have asked "why I took down my video" for the game store. I actually haven't. The thing is, it is titled differently, and I will tell you why. I was getting TONS of hateful messages from avid gamers..and well "haters" really. They must have kept finding my video through my tags, and not...looking for ASMR. The whole thing ended up being about..the "stupid games" I chose..and well, I won't even bother you with the gory details. is still there!  Thanks for understanding! -★Kara


  1. First comment on your blog! :D welcome to the blogosphere sweetheart :)

  2. Just enjoyed your 'cranial examination'. Never heard of ASMR or even knew there was a 'community' till a couple of days ago. I just knew there was a BBC Radio4 broadcast on 'Diabetic Feet' that I enjoyed more for the doctors voice describing the condition than any concern about my feet! Oh, came upon you when I recalled Bob Ross' "JOY OF PAINTING" show had as many viewers for his relaxing presentation as to learn to paint and looked him up on YouTube and found all this 'ASMR' stuff linked to his shows and realized people actually did this on purpose. You are very good at it so thanks.
